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Anaerobic Jar LAJ-B10


Anaerobic Jar LAJ-B11 is a hermetic type anaerobic jar with 3/15 R petri dish holder. Featuring PMMA transparent material with extremely smooth surface along with excellent airtight performance and avoidance of any undue leakage. Designed with conventional O-rings and screw clamp to ensure a more positive seal. Equipped with snap-shut gas supply coupling for easy connecting.

Anaerobic Jar LAJ-B11


Anaerobic Jar LAJ-B11 is a hermetic type anaerobic jar with 3/15 R petri dish holder. Featuring PMMA transparent material with extremely smooth surface along with excellent airtight performance and avoidance of any undue leakage. Designed with conventional O-rings and screw clamp to ensure a more positive seal. Equipped with snap-shut gas supply coupling for easy connecting.

Automatic Colony Counter LCCA-A12


Automatic Colony Counter LCCA-A12 is equipped with high resolution CCD Camera lens. Incorporated with advanced Smart Counter software for accurate automatic microbial colony counting. Open platform design, bottom LED light source makes it user friendly counter. Encrypted USB-key guarantees data security, and convenient data management.

Automatic Electrolyte Analyzer LAEA-A10


Automatic Electrolyte Analyzer LD-LAEA-A10 is a compact, easy – to- use table top unit comes with aspiration volume ranging from 60 to 150 µl. This electrolyte analyzer works on principle of ion selective electrode measurement technology. Measures the concentration of K+, Na+, Cl- ions in serum, plasma, whole blood, cerebrospinal fluid and dilute urine. It is a fast, accurate, convenient and practical clinical testing instrument. Low consumption of reagents, effectively reducing the cost of consumables. It has automatic and manual dual sampling mode. Automatic fault alarm and elimination, improves the work efficiency.

Automatic Electrolyte Analyzer LAEA-A11


Automatic Electrolyte Analyzer LD-LAEA-A11 is a compact, easy – to- use table top unit comes with aspiration volume ranging from 60 to 150 µl. This electrolyte analyzer works on principle of ion selective electrode measurement technology. Measures the concentration of K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca2+ ions and pH in serum, plasma, whole blood, cerebrospinal fluid and dilute urine. It is a fast, accurate, convenient and practical clinical testing instrument. Low consumption of reagents, effectively reducing the cost of consumables. It has automatic and manual dual sampling mode. Automatic fault alarm and elimination, improves the work efficiency.

Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A12


Automatic Potentiometric Titrator LPTT-A12 is a table-top and high-precision unit, comprised with 100 ml titration cup and measuring range of -1999.99 to 1999.99 mV and 0.00 to 14.00 pH. With automatic sample injection, pipeline cleaning, and automatic test, features -10 to 100°C of temperature measuring range with different titration functions. Modular design with volumetric titration device, control device and testing device, offers acid-base titration, REDOX, precipitation and complexation titration along with high-power magnetic stirring. Equipped with 8-inch TFT color touch screen display, imported solenoid valve, PTFE corrosion-resistant burette and high-precision closed-loop control, this unit performs volumetric analysis using potentiometric titration method, also supports direct data printing.

Bacterial Colony Counter


Model : BCC-2S

Display : 3-digit LED display
Counting Method : Pressure sensitive
Lighting : White LED array
Applicable Petri Dish : φ50, φ55, φ60, φ70, φ90
Magnification : 3 times (or 9 times)

Bench Top Turbidity Meter LTM-B14


Bench top turbidity meter LTM-B14 with microprocessor controlled system, works on 90° scattered light principle to measure water turbidity in nephelometric turbidity unit i.e. NTU. The formazine standard solution of turbidity mentioned in ISO 7027 is used for turbidity analysis. This turbidity meter delivers highly accurate results with better numerical calculations to meet GLP standards.

Blood Gas Analyzer LBGS-A12


Blood Gas Analyzer LD-LBGS-A10 is an advanced and compact blood gas analyzer offers test parameters for pO2 , pCO2 , pH, K, Na, Cl, Ca, and HCT. Features convenient, flexible and simple disposable calibrants cartridge with cartridge expiration alarm and residue information. Incorporated infrared human detector, reliable measurement unit with long-lasting fluid system, and self-made long life maintenance free electrodes, this analyzer has capillary sample volume of only 50 μl. Equipped with high resolution 10.4 inches touch screen, built-in thermal printer, fast and easy data input with convenient bar code calibrants and consumables identification, it has LIS connection, RS232 and USB interface. With flexible sample adaptor for both syringe and capillary sample, and all-in-one design without extra consumables, it is a gas tank free blood gas analyzer with nickel-metal hydride battery. Optional AutoQC cartridge with 3 levels QC design, this analyzer also provides multi-co

DispensMate Bottle-Top Dispenser LDBD-A11


DispensMate Bottle-Top Dispenser LDBD-A11 is a device which facilitates several operations in the laboratory and ensures safety, accuracy and speed in routine work. It is Autoclavable and also has excellent chemical resistance property which makes it perfect to dispense aggressive chemicals, acids, alkaline solutions, sterile liquids etc. Easy to clean, least wastage of reagents, error-free way to deal with large number of samples, repeated usage are some benefits of this product.

Flocculation Jar Tester LFC-A12


Flocculation Jar Tester LFC-A12 is designed to stimulate the process of adding reagents, precipitation, coagulation reaction which occurs in water testing procedures. Features desktop, 6 round shaped or square shaped beakers, each with 1.0 L and 1.5 L capacity respectively. With 10 to 1000 rpm speed, this flocculation jar tester conducts synchronous as well as independent running operations. It is used to carry out the jar test during water treatment procedure.

Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer LHST-A10


Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer LHST-A10 is a table top device with a speed range of 100 to 2000 rpm, temperature range of 0 to 380°C and can stir liquid volume up to 5000 ml. Simultaneous heating and stirring, enclosed heating plate, fast warm-up, stepless heating power and stirring speed, large plate size etc. are some of the characteristic feature which ensures precise control of temperature along with stable rotation. It is used in scientific research labs, university labs etc.

Manual Colony Counter LMCC-A11


Manual colony counter LMCC-A11 is a reliable unit for rapid and accurate manual colony counting with multi-mode facility and simultaneous calculation and display of average value. Equipped with adjustable pressure touch-tip pen marker for cumulative marking of colonies. Bright white lighting with adjustable brightness for easy viewing of colonies.

Micro-Spectrophotometer — Nano-500


Nano-500 is an advanced model of micro UV VIS spectrophotometer based on Nano-300, with full range of wavelength (200-800 nm). It is with an added new function of bacterium cell concentration measurement (OD600) in a cuvette. The Nano-500 only requires 0.5-2 μl sample to measure nucleic acids, proteins as quickly as Nano-300. Nano-500 come with a 7 inch touch screen and integrated Android operating system, with no computer required. It is an ideal equipment for a biology laboratory to make life science research more efficient.

Real-time PCR instrument


A real-time PCR system is a powerful laboratory instrument that enables researchers to monitor and quantify DNA or RNA amplification in real-time. This technology relies on the use of fluorescent markers that emit signals during each amplification cycle, allowing for the accurate determination of the starting amount of genetic material. It can also simultaneously detect and quantify multiple target sequences in a single reaction, saving time and resources. The high sensitivity, precision, and versatility of real-time PCR make it an essential tool across an array of scientific domains such as genetics research, clinical diagnostics, microbiology, and environmental monitoring. In practice, it furnishes researchers with an unparalleled opportunity to delve into the intricacies of gene expression, diagnose diseases, and undertake a broad spectrum of molecular biology investigations with unwavering accuracy and operational efficiency.

Real-time PCR instrument


A real-time PCR system is a powerful laboratory instrument that enables researchers to monitor and quantify DNA or RNA amplification in real-time. This technology relies on the use of fluorescent markers that emit signals during each amplification cycle, allowing for the accurate determination of the starting amount of genetic material. It can also simultaneously detect and quantify multiple target sequences in a single reaction, saving time and resources. The high sensitivity, precision, and versatility of real-time PCR make it an essential tool across an array of scientific domains such as genetics research, clinical diagnostics, microbiology, and environmental monitoring. In practice, it furnishes researchers with an unparalleled opportunity to delve into the intricacies of gene expression, diagnose diseases, and undertake a broad spectrum of molecular biology investigations with unwavering accuracy and operational efficiency.

Semi-automatic Bio- chemistry Analyzer LSBA-A21




Semi-automatic Bio-chemistry Analyzer LSBA-A21 also known as chemistry analyzer is a table-top, compact, semi-automated and high performance analyzer offers photometric range from 0 to +3.0 OD with 3 level temperature range along with temperature accuracy of ±0.1˚C. Incorporated with excellent QC function with large memory. Equipped with different wavelengths such as 340 nm, 405 nm, 492 nm, 510 nm, 546 nm, 578 nm, 620 nm with accuracy of ±2nm. Built-in thermal printer with Real time graph display.

Semi-automatic Biochemistry Analyzer LSBA- A11




Semi-automatic Biochemistry Analyzer LSBA-A11 also known as chemistry analyzer is a tabletop unit, offers absorbance ranges from

-0.3 to 3.0 abs and temperature accuracy of ± 0.1°C. Equipped with different wavelengths such as 340 nm, 405 nm, 510 nm, 546 nm, 578 nm, 620 nm + 2 free positions. Incorporated with standard interface for communication, convenient for data processing and transmitting. It provides easy, quick and accurate diagnosis of diseases, blood samples and other body fluid, identification of gene disease and evaluation of organ function.

Single Automated Gram Stainer LAGS-A10


Single Automated Gram Stainer LAGS-A10 offers a quick, easy, and stable staining process for staining clinical specimens using the GRAM staining method, with automated system control from fixation to drying. It has 1 -10 slides carousel capacity offering superior functions and results to manual staining while remaining simple and convenient. A programmable rotation speed of 6 to 200 rpm has a stain time of 13 to 18 minutes for a single cycle and is timed.

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