(Showing 1 – 57 products of 134 products)
1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit: PG-RTase-24 dPCR 24rxn
1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit: PG-RTase-96 dPCR 96rxn
FastPlex MonkeyPox Real Time PCR Detection Kit: PG-MonkeyPox-qPCR qPCR 96rxn
Human ALK Gene G1269A Mutation Detection Assay: PG-ALK G1269A-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human ALK Gene G1269A Mutation Detection Assay: PG-ALK G1269A-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human BCR-ABL (P210) Fusion Gene Detection Kit (Digital PCR): PG-BCR-ABL 210-24-RUO dPCR 24rxn
Human BCR-ABL 210 Fusion Gene Detection Assay : PG-BCR-ABL 210-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human BCR-ABL 210 Fusion Gene Detection Assay : PG-BCR-ABL 210-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human BCR-ABL Fusion Gene Detection Kit (Digital PCR): PG-BCR-ABL 210-24-RUO2 dPCR 24rxn
Human BCR-ABL P190 Detection Assay: PG-BCR-ABL 190-24-RUO dPCR 24rxn
Human BCR-ABL P190 Detection Assay: PG-BCR-ABL 190-96-RUO dPCR 96rxn
Human BCR-ABL T315I Mutation Detection Assay : PG-BCR-ABL T315I-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human BCR-ABL T315I Mutation Detection Assay : PG-BCR-ABL T315I-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human BRAF Gene Mutation Detection Kit(3 loci): PG-BRAF-3loci-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human BRAF Gene V600E Mutation Detection Assay: PG-BRAF V600E-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human BRAF Gene V600E Mutation Detection Assay: PG-BRAF V600E-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human CMV Detection Assay : PG-CMV-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human CMV Detection Assay : PG-CMV-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene C797S (COSM5945664) Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR C797S 5945664-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene C797S (COSM5945664) Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR C797S 5945664-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene C797S (COSM6493937) Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR C797S 6493937-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene C797S (COSM6493937) Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR C797S 6493937-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene D770_N771insG Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR D770_N771insG-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene D770_N771insG Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR D770_N771insG-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene E746_A750delELREA (COSM6223) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR E746_A750delELREA 6223-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene E746_A750delELREA (COSM6223) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR E746_A750delELREA 6223-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene E746_A750delELREA (COSM6225) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR E746_A750delELREA 6225-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene E746_A750delELREA (COSM6225) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR E746_A750delELREA 6225-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene Exon 12, 18-21 Mutation Detection Kit(15 loci): PG-EGFR-15loci-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene G465R Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR G465R-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene G465R Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR G465R-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene G719A Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR G719A-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene G719A Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR G719A-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene G719S Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR G719S-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene G719S Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR G719S-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene L747_A750delinsP (COSM2238) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR E747_A750delinsP 2238-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene L747_A750delinsP (COSM2238) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR L747_A750delinsP 2238-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene L747_A750delinsP (COSM2239) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR E747_A750delinsP 2239-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene L747_A750delinsP (COSM2239) Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR L747_A750delinsP 2239-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene L747_P753>S Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR L747_P753>S-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene L747_P753>S Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR L747_P753>S-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene L858R Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR L858R-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene L858R Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR L858R-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene L861Q Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR L861Q-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene L861Q Mutation Detection Assay : PG- EGFR L861Q-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene S768I Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR S768I-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene S768I Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR S768I-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene T790M Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR T790M-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human EGFR Gene T790M Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR T790M-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene V769_D770insASV Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR V769_D770insASV-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human EGFR Gene V769_D770insASV Mutation Detection Assay: PG- EGFR V769_D770insASV-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human Epstein-Barr Virus (BamHI-W) Detection Assay : PG-EB-BamHI-W-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human Epstein-Barr Virus (BamHI-W) Detection Assay : PG-EB-BamHI-W-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human Epstein-Barr Virus (EBNA1) Detection Assay : PG-EB-EBNA1-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human Epstein-Barr Virus (EBNA1) Detection Assay : PG-EB-EBNA1-96 dPCR 96rxn
Human ESR1 Gene D538G Mutation Detection Assay : PG-ESR1 D538G-24 dPCR 24rxn
Human ESR1 Gene D538G Mutation Detection Assay : PG-ESR1 D538G-96 dPCR 96rxn
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